15 49.0138 8.38624 1 0 4000 1 https://ecoinvestmentclub.com 300


Mission Statement

We are The Eco Investment Club, the first of its kind and we are proud to establish our presence amongst the MeetUp.com Networking Community in Southern California and throughout the World.

All levels of experience are welcome!

We have Web-Casting and Pod-Casting Capabilities for Our National and International Eco-Members so you’ll never miss any important Club event.

This is your chance to meet other Eco Investors who are extremely interested in, or who are serious about learning how to invest in Eco Friendly Real Estate Projects and Green Business Opportunities.

Make no mistake, we are the Premier group!

Our Mission: Invest in “Green” and invest regularly, regardless of the Market Outlook, in order to fuel the Sustainable Marketplace with up and coming, like-minded Eco Entrepreneurs and Real Estate enthusiasts who are facing the challenges of launching a green business and/ or building anything Green.

The Eco Investment Club is dedicated to helping those Eco Entrepreneurs who:

1. Stand by their product, opportunity, or service
2. Display a strong commitment to customer satisfaction
3. Operate with integrity
4. Meet or exceed their obligations
5. Provide us, the backers, a reasonable return to support our own lifestyles of good health and sustainability.


Our club was designed to facilitate a positive atmosphere where friends, family, business associates,and interested investors alike could become a part of a group that: speaks the same language, shares investment opportunities, encourages the forming of new partnerships, and provides in-depth news and pertinent information.

The Eco Investment Club started GreenMeets so that interested parties could gather together on a monthly basis (First Fridays – Usually).

Our Strengths are:

1) Eco-Friendly Real Estate Opportunities
2) Exceptional Green Start-Ups
3) Sustainable Investment Strategies
